Enthernet Code
Enthernet Code
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by Enthernet Code on 7/11/2024 in #✅-code-review
Why isn't my Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense transmitting pulse and SpO2 data via BLE?
import time

from machine import I2C, Pin

from max30102 import MAX30102

from ubluetooth import BLE, UUID, FLAG_READ, FLAG_WRITE

# Initialize I2C

i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(19), sda=Pin(18))

# Initialize MAX30102

max30102 = MAX30102(i2c)

# Initialize BLE

ble = BLE()


# Define BLE Service and Characteristics

pulse_ox_service = UUID(0x1810)

pulse_char = (UUID(0x2A37), FLAG_READ | FLAG_WRITE)

spo2_char = (UUID(0x2A5F), FLAG_READ | FLAG_WRITE)

# Define BLE Services

pulse_ox_service = (pulse_ox_service, (pulse_char, spo2_char))

services = (pulse_ox_service, )

# Start advertising



ble.gap_advertise(100, b'\x02\x01\x06\x03\x03\x10\x18')

def read_sensor():

    red, ir = max30102.read_sequential()

    pulse = calculate_pulse(ir)

    spo2 = calculate_spo2(red, ir)

    return pulse, spo2

def calculate_pulse(ir_data):

    # Placeholder for pulse calculation algorithm

    return sum(ir_data) / len(ir_data)

def calculate_spo2(red_data, ir_data):

    # Placeholder for SpO2 calculation algorithm

    return (sum(red_data) / sum(ir_data)) * 100

while True:

    pulse, spo2 = read_sensor()

    print("Pulse:", pulse, "SpO2:", spo2)

    ble.gatts_notify(0, pulse_char[0], str(pulse))

    ble.gatts_notify(0, spo2_char[0], str(spo2))

import time

from machine import I2C, Pin

from max30102 import MAX30102

from ubluetooth import BLE, UUID, FLAG_READ, FLAG_WRITE

# Initialize I2C

i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(19), sda=Pin(18))

# Initialize MAX30102

max30102 = MAX30102(i2c)

# Initialize BLE

ble = BLE()


# Define BLE Service and Characteristics

pulse_ox_service = UUID(0x1810)

pulse_char = (UUID(0x2A37), FLAG_READ | FLAG_WRITE)

spo2_char = (UUID(0x2A5F), FLAG_READ | FLAG_WRITE)

# Define BLE Services

pulse_ox_service = (pulse_ox_service, (pulse_char, spo2_char))

services = (pulse_ox_service, )

# Start advertising



ble.gap_advertise(100, b'\x02\x01\x06\x03\x03\x10\x18')

def read_sensor():

    red, ir = max30102.read_sequential()

    pulse = calculate_pulse(ir)

    spo2 = calculate_spo2(red, ir)

    return pulse, spo2

def calculate_pulse(ir_data):

    # Placeholder for pulse calculation algorithm

    return sum(ir_data) / len(ir_data)

def calculate_spo2(red_data, ir_data):

    # Placeholder for SpO2 calculation algorithm

    return (sum(red_data) / sum(ir_data)) * 100

while True:

    pulse, spo2 = read_sensor()

    print("Pulse:", pulse, "SpO2:", spo2)

    ble.gatts_notify(0, pulse_char[0], str(pulse))

    ble.gatts_notify(0, spo2_char[0], str(spo2))

@Middleware & OS
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