DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by Boss lady on 6/19/2024 in #📦-middleware-and-os
Why Isn't the Touch Screen Working on My Qt Application Deployed to BeagleBone Black?
@Boss lady The touch screen not working on your BeagleBone Black (BBB) could be due to several reasons. you can try troubleshooting by making sure the touchscreen drivers are properly installed on the BBB. You can check this by running:
dmesg | grep touch

dmesg | grep touch

if the drivers are not installed, you'll need to find and install the appropriate drivers for your touchscreen, Sometimes the touchscreen needs calibration. You can use tools like ts_calibrate to calibrate the touchscreen, make sure your Qt environment is configured to support touch events. You might need to set the appropriate Qt plugins for input devices. like 👇
export QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=evdevtouch:/dev/input/eventX

export QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=evdevtouch:/dev/input/eventX

Replace /dev/input/eventX with the correct event device for your touchscreen. ensure that the application has the necessary permissions to access the input device. You might need to adjust the permissions:
sudo chmod 666 /dev/input/eventX

sudo chmod 666 /dev/input/eventX

then for the final stage update your libraries
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