Created by Manuel on 6/24/2024 in #help
The generated C# executable does not run on empty computers.
I have a project that is based on: * A backend, generated with c# with the .net6.0 SDK. * A frontend, generated with angular. The frontend requests information to the backend and the backend returns it all through apis. In turn the backend uses sockets to connect to a GPS device. The backend publishes it with the following instruction dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained -o c:backend This executable works correctly on the machine where it was generated, but if I try to run it on another machine where donet6.0 is previously installed, it does not work. I launch queries to the backend with Postman and the answer is Error: connect ECONNREFUSED For this executable to work on this or any other computer, I can only get it to work if I install the Visual Studio IDE. Can anyone help me or tell me what could be wrong or what other packages I should install to make it work?
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