PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by SqueakyNote on 10/4/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
New Virtual Go Plus Issue
So i've seen many people saying that the Virtual Go Plus isn't working. My issue is different, in that it works too well! This thing is in overdrive and catching everything that moves, even though I have notifying turned off in both the PGS Settings AND the base Pokemon GO UI settings. I just wanna go on a PokeStop spinning spree, but the game is like 'Nope! You will spend ALL your Pokeballs!' Anyone else have this issue? How do I tell it to stop doing this, aside from 'turn off the Virtual Go Plus'?
1 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by SqueakyNote on 6/30/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
Auto Incubator not applying to any eggs
As the title says. I have my Incubator set to the shortest time for my eggs so I can try to quickly hatch a bunch. I had a ton of incubators ready to go, but the app wouldn't automatically set the incubators. I had to do so manually. Is this a known problem, and if so, how may I rectify it so the incubators will apply going forward?
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