Created by paulman176 on 7/1/2023 in #help
❔ Can't succesfully run visual studio project
Whenever I try to build to project i cloned from github i get a "System.IO.IOException has been thrown "Failed to bind to address http://localhost:62870."" error. I have nothing running on 62870 so i am completely lost why this happens
23 replies
Created by paulman176 on 5/19/2023 in #help
❔ Unable to process post request with core
I am making use of a document processing component (, where i need to use core for some server dependencies such as importing a docx file into the documenteditor. My problem is that I don't know wheter my fetch method is not working (and maybe wrong usage of my endpoints) or that the core application is not even running correctly
26 replies
Created by paulman176 on 1/18/2023 in #help
❔ Creating a seperate .net project that serves as a backend for my react webapp
I want to use dotnet to serve as my backend for my webapp, although I have no idea how to set it up properly. Does anyone have any guideline on how to setup a separate project for dotnet. Additionally I will need to use an API endpoint as well, I would like to know how to create that too
6 replies