Enthernet Code
Enthernet Code
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by Marvee Amasi on 5/14/2024 in #middleware-and-os
which algo is much memory efficient and has better performance in traffic control system RMS or EDF?
@Marvee Amasi For a traffic light system, Earliest Deadline First is actually a better choice than Rate Monotonic Scheduling. Let me tell you why: 1) Traffic light timing is more deadline-driven: - In traffic lights, ensuring smooth traffic flow relies on lights turning green at specific times (deadlines) to avoid congestion. - EDF prioritizes tasks with the earliest deadlines, aligning better with this need. 2) RMS prioritizes shorter periods, which might not be ideal: - RMS prioritizes tasks with shorter periods (execution times) like the yellow light. - In traffic control, prioritizing a longer green light (allowing more traffic flow) might be more important than a short yellow light. Well although know that -EDF requires calculating deadlines for each light cycle, which might be more complex to implement. In Here's a real-world scenario to consider: Imagine rush hour traffic. With EDF, the green light has an earlier deadline to ensure smooth flow. If a sensor detects heavy traffic, the deadline for the green light can be adjusted dynamically in EDF, allowing it to stay on longer. This flexibility might be beneficial in a way
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