TSD Leviathan
TSD Leviathan
Created by TSD Leviathan on 7/2/2024 in #community-help
Im being put in unwinnable games full of high ranks in competetive.
I am in a 6 losestreak bc enemy team is full of golds - low plat while Im at silver
2 replies
Created by TSD Leviathan on 6/21/2024 in #community-help
This game is broken.
Smurfs in every competetive game. Smurfs should be put in higher lobbies if they're playing better than they're level in SWIFT, and UNRATED included.
5 replies
Created by TSD Leviathan on 5/23/2024 in #community-help
I lost in Competetive 3 rounds in a row bc of smurfs.
Valorant Should also have an Anti-Smurf Policy where if ur mmr is too high for ur lvl and rank you should be put in higher lobbies and if you're still too good then you should banned.
62 replies
Created by TSD Leviathan on 5/17/2024 in #community-help
Valorant full of smurfs. Each game there are atleast 3 smurfs in enemy team.
Valorant is getting ruined bc of smurfs, I never have a fun and fair game bc of smurfs. Pls make an anti-smurf policy valorant.
2 replies
Created by TSD Leviathan on 5/17/2024 in #community-help
Game thinks Im boosting everyone and putting me in gold lobbies but with bronze team.
I queue in every game going 30/11/7 or smthn like that but my team is trash, while enemy team is all good. why is that?
4 replies
Created by TSD Leviathan on 5/17/2024 in #community-help
Why am I always queued with bronze team but silver/gold enemy?
How do I rank up when my entire team is always trash
8 replies