Umesh Lokhande
Umesh Lokhande
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by nour_huda on 2/19/2024 in #edge-networking
What is the maximum number of nodes one ZigBee endpoint can communicate to?
Node can be a device that understands Zigbee protocol. In the Zigbee network, we have a Coordinator, Router, and End device configuration. To form a network either STAR or MESH. We must always have at least one ZigBee to be the coordinator. if we take the example of Digi's XBee S2C then there will be no limit on how many end device/ router nodes can communicate to the central coordinator XBee. But I have seen in real-world projects when the network of devices increases then programming and networking complexity increases which leads to data loss and unstable network.
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