Created by berkay on 4/3/2024 in #help
My tech stack, what to focus now?
- .NET Core - Entity Framework Core (Code First) - MVC - Web API - Identity and JWT - Mediator & CQRS - SignalR - N-Layered Arch. - Onion Arch. Im a 3rd grade computer engineering student. I have those subjects in my tech stack. What should i focus now? I think DDD, Microservices are important but i dont know the which order should i follow
42 replies
Created by berkay on 3/23/2024 in #help
Help about possible internship interview questions
I want to study possible internship interview questions. what subjects are critical for an interview? i have 1 year knowledge of .net mvc and api also oop but i feel need to practice critical subjects
3 replies
Created by berkay on 3/2/2024 in #help
I want to some advices
Hello, im a 3rd grade computer engineering student. I want to be a .net core back-end developer. I have made some MVC projects and improved myself on it but i dont have enough knowledge of API's that is the most important part of the back-end development. How can I improve myself in this area? Which sources can you recommend?
9 replies