ARArctic Realms
Created by SocialAnxiety on 12/29/2024 in #🔖・suggestions
PvP Game mode
add a pvp practise game mode with various modes like parkour, axe and shield, UHC etc with leaderboard and quests (like defeat 10 players in any game mode) that may give you rewards like crate keys (ofc the quests to get crate keys will be harder) in the survival game mode. If the survival mode is in maintenance the players can cure their boredom by grinding quests in this mode 🙂 Hence I hope that you will take my suggestion into consideration eta likhte giye amar shob english use kore felsi 🙂
79 replies
ARArctic Realms
Created by SocialAnxiety on 12/28/2024 in #🔖・suggestions
Crate keys in Vote crate
Add some low level crate keys in vote crates so that people actually get the motivation to vote for the server for a chance of getting a crate key with better items than the vote crates and this slight change can make the server less Pay 2 Win and ensure a bit more fair gameplay
43 replies