Thanks @FlikTeoh, totally agree the docs
Compatibility date change worked, now getting the object back from the RPC call. Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.
10 replies
Thanks @FlikTeoh, totally agree the docs
The env is being accessed in a CF worker that is a queue consumer, here's the code:
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {

return new Response(null, {
status: 202,
statusText: "Target Role Analysis Accepted",
headers: {
location: `job-hunt/target-role-analysis/${backgroundTaskId}/${jobSearchInfo.jobSearchTerm}`
async queue(batch, env) {
const messages = batch.messages;
const targetRoleAnalysisInfo = messages[0].body.payload;
console.log("in the target role queue consumer, env is: ", env);
const aiGatewayResponse = await env.jobsAiGateway.getTargetRoleAnalyser();
console.log("in target role analysis worker, the response is: ", aiGatewayResponse);

// Process the response
// Write the analysis to the database
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {

return new Response(null, {
status: 202,
statusText: "Target Role Analysis Accepted",
headers: {
location: `job-hunt/target-role-analysis/${backgroundTaskId}/${jobSearchInfo.jobSearchTerm}`
async queue(batch, env) {
const messages = batch.messages;
const targetRoleAnalysisInfo = messages[0].body.payload;
console.log("in the target role queue consumer, env is: ", env);
const aiGatewayResponse = await env.jobsAiGateway.getTargetRoleAnalyser();
console.log("in target role analysis worker, the response is: ", aiGatewayResponse);

// Process the response
// Write the analysis to the database
As you can see the worker has a fetch handler and a Queue consumer handler, which is passed env from the Queue. The output of the console.log line for env is:
in the target role queue consumer, env is: {
DB: {
alwaysPrimarySession: { fetcher: {}, commitTokenOrConstraint: 'first-primary' },
fetcher: {}
jobsAiGateway: {}
in the target role queue consumer, env is: {
DB: {
alwaysPrimarySession: { fetcher: {}, commitTokenOrConstraint: 'first-primary' },
fetcher: {}
jobsAiGateway: {}
Thanks for your help so far, it's much appreciated.
10 replies
Thanks @FlikTeoh, totally agree the docs
Thanks for the response @FlikTeoh, here's what I tried... here's the code I'm using to invoke the worker via RPC:
const aiGatewayResponse = await env.jobsAiGateway.getTargetRoleAnalyser();
const aiGatewayResponse = await env.jobsAiGateway.getTargetRoleAnalyser();
The service binding definition:
services = [
{ binding = "jobsAiGateway", service = "jobs-ai-gateway", entrypoint = "TargetRoleService" }
services = [
{ binding = "jobsAiGateway", service = "jobs-ai-gateway", entrypoint = "TargetRoleService" }
but I get this error: TypeError: env.jobsAiGateway.getTargetRoleAnalyser is not a function And the code in the jobsAiGateway worker is:
app.get('/profile', async (ctx) => {
// do some profile handling
return httpResponse;

class TargetRoleAnalysis extends RpcTarget {
analyse(targetRoleDescription) {
"in target role analysis Service, analysing...", targetRoleDescription);

export class TargetRoleService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
async getTargetRoleAnalyser() {
return new TargetRoleAnalysis();

export default app
app.get('/profile', async (ctx) => {
// do some profile handling
return httpResponse;

class TargetRoleAnalysis extends RpcTarget {
analyse(targetRoleDescription) {
"in target role analysis Service, analysing...", targetRoleDescription);

export class TargetRoleService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
async getTargetRoleAnalyser() {
return new TargetRoleAnalysis();

export default app
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
10 replies