Created by Supamap on 2/8/2024 in #✋|help
Help reducing egress costs, or at least figure out what is the culprit for them.
I am hosting a webpage, front and backend services on railway, and recently ive seen that my Egress costs have ballooned a bit, theyre at about more than 600 GB, and they should not have been as high (considering our scaling). I don't think I should be using as much, but I have no idea where to look to figure out what could be the culprit of the cost. Btw... im not much on an expert, so please be understanding, Thanks!
36 replies
Created by Supamap on 10/18/2023 in #✋|help
Trying to use sockets with, works locally but not when deployed
Im using node/express for backend with react frontend. I am trying to establish a connection between them (they are two different deployments in the same railway project) When I run it locally on my machine, it works perfectly, there's communication and all good. When I deploy it on railway, I get an error, seemingly because for some reason they cannot communicate. Any help/ideas? Ill attach the errors and my code in the next comments
26 replies