CWCombat Warriors
Created by n0_fe4rs on 9/16/2024 in #🛟・community-support
I need help
I have a terrible gambling addiction I wake up and look at my bank account “-1238.25” it says with big red bold numbers I stare at the number for a while knowing it will never change and will only go higher and higher I get out of bed and get in the shower and think of what I have became I had a wife good job kids my life was set but when combat warriors dropped mythic weapons that all changed I couldn’t stop I used to have “164,187.35” in my saving account that I saved over many years and it’s all gone now all gone for what a chance to get a fake weapon that will never help me in 5 years yes that’s exactly what it has gone to and I’m to far lost to even save myself anymore only way is,is to keep gambling till I get that mythic weapon but it’s not fair I see people opening 10 cases and get that mythic weapon but I’ve opened exactly 1,256,765 cases and the best thing I’ve gotten was 1 tile away from a mythic i wonder where I would be at now if I never gambled if I kept working maybe I would still have my wife and kids and my wife wouldn’t have left me for another man I wouldn’t have gotten evicted from my house maybe I would be able to eat better then Instant cup noodles and be able to pay my bills on time but what’s the point of wondering this is my calling I was called to do this to give some dev that only knows me cause of the pay check he gets I’ve begged so many times I offered game admins and devs tens of thousands of dollars to give me a mythic but they won’t they know they will make hundreds of thousands of dollars off me by never giving my the mythic they know that there weekly paycheck is from my gambling addiction and everyone else they know they live off others problems and once those people get what they want they will have nothing but what’s the point I know that I can’t stop so why even try to ask I’m like a dog on a chain with my owners being the devs hoping on day they will release me but they will always keep me on this chain…
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