Trouble with @onclick events in Blazor Server
I'm trying to get the hang of blazor server (.NET 8). Adding an '@onclick' event to any component in my project causes a slew of rendering errors in the console, making them dispose themselves and not show up on the page. Web searches are pointing me towards changing the render mode, but that isn't giving me different results so far. Real appreciated if anyone could point me in the right direction.
6 replies
Difficulty with Blazor Server chat app
Hi, I'm trying to build a straightforward group chat application with Entity Framework and Blazor Server, but I'm totally new to the latter and struggling to make it do what I want.
I currently have the EF models set up, and a set of components including a 'ChatLog' for displaying messages, and a 'InputForm' for users to create new messages. The 'InputForm' can register a sent message and save it in the database, which will appear in the 'ChatLog' when the page is refreshed.
But I'm clueless on how to make the 'ChatLog' update automatically with sent messages, and/or how I would use a SignalR Hub to make all other connected users load the new chat messages too. Could someone point me in the right direction?
5 replies
Identity/EF collection returns null
Hey, so I'm new to using Entity Framework. I tried to extend the Identity User model with a one-to-many relationship, like so:
From here, I want to make a razor page that shows a logged in user's 'Profiles' as a list, but going about it the most obvious way gives me a null value. Is there a step I'm missing for getting collection data, or some other error?
7 replies