Created by IkiTg07 on 4/18/2024 in #💻┃support
NextJs + Kinde SDK 2.2.3 deployment on vercel failed
21 replies
Created by IkiTg07 on 4/18/2024 in #💻┃support
NextJs + Kinde SDK 2.2.3 deployment on vercel failed
I'm on latest
21 replies
Created by IkiTg07 on 4/18/2024 in #💻┃support
NextJs + Kinde SDK 2.2.3 deployment on vercel failed
I'm using the nextjs sdk now without issue though, on vercel, so I can at least confirm its working
21 replies
Created by IkiTg07 on 4/18/2024 in #💻┃support
NextJs + Kinde SDK 2.2.3 deployment on vercel failed
that's what I picked up on, maybe the nextjs sdk uses the typescript one internally?
21 replies
Created by IkiTg07 on 4/18/2024 in #💻┃support
NextJs + Kinde SDK 2.2.3 deployment on vercel failed
you may want to try the nextjs sdk instead of the typescript sdk!
21 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
just looked into the code to see what init does. call me crazy but couldn't you preface the main functions with "if no token run init"? anyway I get it now and I will run it once at the root of my app, rather than within the page calling it
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
this seems to work, thank you. though I have a few questions - 1. why can't this be in the existing nextjs package? why separate it like this? 2. is it possible to remove the need for init()? it seems a bit "ugly" and I'm not quite clear as to when/where I should call it thank you very much though 😄
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
@Andre @ Kinde I hate to ping you but I'm gonna do it 😬 I need someone to confirm that they have tested custom domains on the nextjs sdk combined with fetching users using the management api (elaboration above)
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
any update on this?
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
for the sake of tryring, here's what's happened: - I found your old nextjs docs, which has some notes on Audience within the Management API section: https://kinde.com/docs/developer-tools/nextjs-sdkv1/#kinde-management-api - I've set my audience env var to match: https://KINDE_DOMAIN.kinde.com/api - I updated my issuer url env var to the custom domain: KINDE_ISSUER_URL=https://auth.CUSTOM_DOMAIN.COM - I click login in my app, I get this: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Requested audience 'https://KINDE_DOMAIN.kinde.com/api' has not been whitelisted by the OAuth 2.0 Client."}
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
if your answer is indeed correct, meaning it uses undocumented configurations, could you be more specific as to how I pass that configuration? otherwise I feel the answer is not relevant for the Nextjs SDK
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
I think I'll need someone from your team familiar with the Nextjs SDK to answer this one. My goal is to use the custom domain for auth, meaning when someone clicks Sign In, it uses the custom domain. And to be able to use the Management API, the domain it uses does not matter to me because it is transparent to the user.
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
from what I can tell, this is the extent of the docs for the API: https://kinde.com/docs/developer-tools/nextjs-sdk/#kinde-management-api there is no documented way to pass URL config at all
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
https://kinde.com/docs/developer-tools/nextjs-sdk/#configure-environment-variables here are the options I have to work with. the only URL options are Issuer URL and Site URL. No Auth URL or Audience URL.
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
I'm not sure the SITE_URL does what you're saying it does. I have it set to localhost:3000 locally right now, and clicking a login link redirects to the ISSUER_URL (not the SITE_URL). My understanding and usage matches the online docs. For the sake of trying, I updated the mentioned vars to my custom domain, and it seemed to have no effect. I appreciate the answers but respectfully, they seem like AI generated hallucinations.
31 replies
Created by marciemarciemarciemarciemarciema on 4/2/2024 in #💻┃support
how long does it take for cert to be issued?
for me it took under 30 (or maybe under 60) minutes, and I did it a few times. you'll get an email when it's done.
16 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
I think there's still some confusion here. If I set my env vars to use the x.kinde.com domain so that the User API works, where do I specify my custom domain so that the sign in flow uses it?
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
by "Kinde domain" are you referring to the custom domain, or the kinde.com one? if the former, that does not work for accessing the api, as I found above. if the latter, then where do I specify my custom domain?
31 replies
Created by Jibbs on 3/28/2024 in #💻┃support
Trouble with createKindeManagementAPIClient.usersApi
how should the environment variables be set to accomplish this? or is there a parameter to pass to the Kinde API Client to specify the host?
31 replies