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Created by yavuz on 6/13/2024 in #✋|help
FastAPI-MySql-SqlAlchemy Intermittent Broken Pipe Error
Hi everyone I keep getting BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe error from MySQL using SqlAlchemy. It usually happens right when logging in or refreshing tokens. Meaning.. right at the first use after not using for a while. I am the only user plus a few test users so the API service is not continuously used. Did anybody see this? What could be the reason. Could it be a time out issue with MySql?
41 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by yavuz on 5/19/2024 in #general-help
Custom domain question
Is there anyway to use a custom domain for R2 Bucket, have the content cached and still require presigned url. This is probably a stupid question since I can not see how content be cached when the url keeps changing but I wanted to give it a try. So, if this is not possible, I am wondering how much of a performance differrence will I get for 540P videos? I have a FastAPI back-end and react native front end IOS-Android software and it has lessons. All of the lessons have 2 to 12 videos and all want to load once you call a lesson. Videos are 540P ( I wanted to make 720P but. smaller better for speed I thought ), and they are about 1mb to 4mb each. I have both solutions working.. meaning I implemented Presigned Url working for the bucket when custom CDN is cancelled, also the public with custom CDN version. I would want to keep the videos private but not at the cost of slowing down a lot. What do you think?
9 replies
Created by yavuz on 5/16/2024 in #✋|help
Do I need a custom domain for R2 CDN?
Project ID: dba6cd6e-5ea1-494c-b77f-81377e24fbde I have an API working here on railway. I am getting ready to move media files to CloudFlare R2. I now use Railway Generated domain for my API. I also have a purchased domain for the website of the full app. Full app is FastAPI backend and React Native front end. So, could I simply just use the subdomain auto-generated by Railway myapiservice.up.railway.app? Then I could may be add CNAME to CloudFlare for the auto generated subdomain? Or.. I have to point a subdomain of my purchased domain here to railway? myapiservice.mydomain.com and enter that as a custom domain in the networking section pf my API here? Or.. I just have to enter my full domain like mydomain.com and www.mydomain.com here as custom domain.
7 replies
Created by yavuz on 5/11/2024 in #✋|help
cdn questions for media
Project ID : dba6cd6e-5ea1-494c-b77f-81377e24fbde Hello everyone, I have been a hobby plan subscriber before, then I tried my already purchased server on A2 hosting with my project. It seemed very limited compared to what I had here. Now I am back. I have a project with FastAPI backend and React Native Mobile Expo Go on the front end. It works fine, expo consumes the API I have here fine. However, I have many static files including videos ( 115 of them so far ) 5-10mb range and lesson posters ( 150KB range ). I would like to use CDN if possible. I had setup a media volume here, thanks to Brody for that BTW, which works fine. I have a domain that I could use to point this server and use free cloudflare CDN to test. I can pay a little if necessary. I am thinking as the app grows, I might end up having 2-300 videos all around 5 to 20mb range. This is for a jazz education software. What is my best option? I am thinking my options are... 1. Leave API here and have it point to other servers with CDN for videos I don't like this option very much since it requires a not so small re-write for API. 2. Use the volume I have here and get a CDN for it somehow ( may be using my custom domain to point here ? ) 3. Use a bigger service like Azure or AWS for static serving files? Which I do not like since they can get expensive petty quick. 4. Do nothing and leave everything as is and hope performance will be OK once I go live with my app. I am expecting/hoping 50 to 100 users in the next few months and may be 1000 users in a year? If that happens I will have to upgrade my account here from hobby to pro of course but I don't how I could prepare to grow ( if it happens.. ) I do not have any performance issues now BTW. Any suggestions?
80 replies
Created by yavuz on 2/13/2024 in #✋|help
''mysql_native_password' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release warning
I've gotten quite a few of these warnings and now not anymore. What could be the reason? Is it related to pymsql drivers? I did not change any connection strings then it stopped. Full warning said " The mysql_native_password authentication plugin was deprecated in MySQL 8.0 in favor of the caching_sha2_password plugin, which cPanel doesn't yet support. The warning messages are designed to let system administrators know of the change. " Does anybody have any idea?
82 replies
Created by yavuz on 2/9/2024 in #✋|help
Files have been disappearing from mounted Volume
Project Id: dba6cd6e-5ea1-494c-b77f-81377e24fbde I first noticed this yesterday. Some of my images and some pdfs have been lost somehow. They come up as 404. I reloaded them thru admin. And, another image is lost this morning. I'm saying lost but I don't really know what happened and I cannot browse the mounted directory. I don't have a way of knowing for sure. Are there any logs for file operations? This incident made me question the trust issue since I cannot help to think what will happen after testing in real production. I cannot really find out what happened. Can someone look into this? To better understand the matter, I want to ask about the mounted volume. Is it flat with keys like AWS bucket or are there real directories there? Any help for better understanding this would be appreciated.
168 replies
Created by yavuz on 2/8/2024 in #✋|help
How can I browse my mounted volume
Hello everyone. Finally I got my FastAPI running. I managed to mount a volume and seems like it's recording images from the API however, I wanted to see the folder structure so that I can write the correct file path to db for the API consumers. Is there anyway we can see our mounted volume's content?
8 replies
Created by yavuz on 2/7/2024 in #✋|help
A lot of crashes deploying
Hello everyone. I have built a FastAPI and trying to deploy here on railway but I've been unşucky. I am getting a bunch of errors saying I cannot import Annotated from typing etc.. which is not problem locally ( running Python V 3.12. So what should I do? Try to deal with each error and somehow fix it or? any ideas?
8 replies