James Usevitch
James Usevitch
Created by James Usevitch on 12/5/2023 in #questions
Documentation for @staticmethod decorator
I can't find any documentation for the @staticmethod decorator. Is there any writeup for why, when, and how to use it? I see it scattered throughout the official docs, but can't quite piece together how it works.
6 replies
Created by James Usevitch on 11/9/2023 in #questions
Transition Guide from JAX to Mojo
I currently use JAX, but am interested in experimenting with Mojo. Is there a guide that helps JAX users transition to using Mojo? For example, it would be helpful to see how JAX's vmap/shmap operations could be expressed using Mojo syntax. (I realize that Mojo is still under development, but given the rising popularity of JAX it might not be a bad idea to have some documentation helping people make the switch 🙂 )
1 replies