Created by Tony on 6/2/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Worker logs say this to all requests: API: unreachable.. retrying in 100ms
Yes - if I set max workers to 0 and then back to some number - the problem goes away for some time. Will investigate further. Thanks for the advise about graphql. At least I can reload all workers programmatically.
16 replies
Created by Tony on 6/2/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Worker logs say this to all requests: API: unreachable.. retrying in 100ms
Yeah - it's a custom image. Manually setting max workers to 0 and then back works. Maybe there is a way to reload workers programmatically?
16 replies
Created by Tony on 6/2/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Worker logs say this to all requests: API: unreachable.. retrying in 100ms
That's sad, but sounds right 😦 Do you think there is a way to handle this error? For example, force restart the worker somehow?
16 replies