PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by Charchris on 11/19/2024 in #🔰newbie
Is there anyway to get the plasmo dev server working in a docker container? pnpm dev works on host
The server is all up and running using node:18-bullseye. However when i load unpacked into chrome it says that it cannot connect with the websockets running on ws://localhost:1815 and ws://localhost:1816.
function A(e) {
if (typeof globalThis.WebSocket > "u") return;
let t = new WebSocket(C());
return t.addEventListener("message", async function(o) {
let s = JSON.parse(;
if (s.type === "update" && await e(s.assets), s.type === "error") for (let r of s.diagnostics.ansi){
let l = r.codeframe || r.stack;
f("[plasmo/parcel-runtime]: " + r.message + `
` + l + `
function A(e) {
if (typeof globalThis.WebSocket > "u") return;
let t = new WebSocket(C());
return t.addEventListener("message", async function(o) {
let s = JSON.parse(;
if (s.type === "update" && await e(s.assets), s.type === "error") for (let r of s.diagnostics.ansi){
let l = r.codeframe || r.stack;
f("[plasmo/parcel-runtime]: " + r.message + `
` + l + `
I have attempted to - add host permissions to allow for all localhost connection in the manifest. - put the container network in host mode - changed ip address binding for the container around from to As mentioned when running on the host machine this connection is completely fine. Thanks!
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