•Created by Shibaz(SurvivesonMcNuggets) on 9/10/2024 in #community-help
trying to change my name
Through my email?
9 replies
•Created by Shibaz(SurvivesonMcNuggets) on 9/10/2024 in #community-help
trying to change my name
How do I know when they let me change it
9 replies
•Created by Shibaz(SurvivesonMcNuggets) on 9/10/2024 in #community-help
trying to change my name
Ok I will I’ll also update when fixed
9 replies
VALORANT Agent Concepts (Agent Concepts Count: 28)
Ice powers slows people down uses smokes to block view and can have a wall that like vipers wall instead of doing damage it slows people down for five seconds also a Molly that does. Damage a slows
2006 replies