KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Sanan on 2/19/2024 in #front-end
Positioning Popover with Dynamic Card Heights
In my Vue.js app, we have movies section. which displays movieCards component depending on movies coming from an API. And where each movieCards component height varies based on its content, and movieCard's height dynamically adjusts based on its content, including movieName, duration, and categories. and there's a popover triggered by a button in the card's footer. Now, I need to move the popover to the top of each card, but since the card heights are dynamic, I'm not sure how to handle it. Although the popover offers an offset option to adjust its placement, determining the appropriate offset value for dynamic heights remains a hurdle. like how much do I exactly need to change offset values so that it reaches to top of card ? Any tips or resources would be helpful
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