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Created by shay on 7/7/2024 in #help
One-to-many relation always returning no records for the `many` relation
Hello, I need some help debugging a relation that I have set up for a postgres database. The schema is as follows:
// `snowflakePk()` is a shortcut for generating a snowflake as the primary key with the name `id`
export const flows = pgTable("Flow", {
id: snowflakePk(),
name: text("name"),

export const flowsRelations = relations(flows, ({ many }) => ({
actions: many(flowActions, { relationName: "Flow_Action" }),

export const flowActions = pgTable("Action", {
id: snowflakePk(),
type: integer("type").notNull().$type<FlowActionType>(),
data: json("data").notNull().$type<FlowAction>(),
flowId: snowflake("flowId")
.references(() =>, { onDelete: "cascade" }),

export const flowActionsRelations = relations(flowActions, ({ one }) => ({
flow: one(flows, {
fields: [],
references: [],
relationName: "Flow_Action",
// `snowflakePk()` is a shortcut for generating a snowflake as the primary key with the name `id`
export const flows = pgTable("Flow", {
id: snowflakePk(),
name: text("name"),

export const flowsRelations = relations(flows, ({ many }) => ({
actions: many(flowActions, { relationName: "Flow_Action" }),

export const flowActions = pgTable("Action", {
id: snowflakePk(),
type: integer("type").notNull().$type<FlowActionType>(),
data: json("data").notNull().$type<FlowAction>(),
flowId: snowflake("flowId")
.references(() =>, { onDelete: "cascade" }),

export const flowActionsRelations = relations(flowActions, ({ one }) => ({
flow: one(flows, {
fields: [],
references: [],
relationName: "Flow_Action",
The expected behavior here is to be able to query flows { with: { actions: true }} and get all Action records that have the same flowId as the "parent" Flow. However, this is not the case:
const flow = await db.query.flows.findFirst({
where: (flows, { eq }) => eq(, 57101725823143939n),
columns: { id: true },
with: { actions: true },
console.log(flow); // { id: 57101725823143939n, actions: [] }
const flow = await db.query.flows.findFirst({
where: (flows, { eq }) => eq(, 57101725823143939n),
columns: { id: true },
with: { actions: true },
console.log(flow); // { id: 57101725823143939n, actions: [] }
psql query proving that the expected records do exist:
shay=# select * from "Action" where "flowId" = 57101725823143939;
id | type | data | flowId
57101725831532548 | 0 | "{\"type\":0}" | 57101725823143939
(1 row)
shay=# select * from "Action" where "flowId" = 57101725823143939;
id | type | data | flowId
57101725831532548 | 0 | "{\"type\":0}" | 57101725823143939
(1 row)
So what is going on here? Thanks.
drizzle-kit: v0.22.7
drizzle-orm: v0.31.2
drizzle-kit: v0.22.7
drizzle-orm: v0.31.2
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