Created by zxc on 8/4/2024 in #help
Fast finding duplicate pictures in database.
I tried to make some manipulations with descriptors, find some middle descriptor or something else for k-means but it all doesn't work. I sent an email to tineye, maybe they'll help
12 replies
Created by zxc on 8/4/2024 in #help
Fast finding duplicate pictures in database.
anyway somehow i need to find something in common between duplicates😵‍💫
12 replies
Created by zxc on 8/4/2024 in #help
Fast finding duplicate pictures in database.
azure doesn't work in my country🫠
12 replies
Created by zxc on 8/4/2024 in #help
Fast finding duplicate pictures in database.
But yeah... all in all its a hard task and it is hard to categorize them by size or colors or shapes because in my application users can add any kinds of pictures with differens colors and shapes
12 replies
Created by zxc on 8/4/2024 in #help
Fast finding duplicate pictures in database.
I thought about clastering my descriptors of each picture with k-means to create about 1000 groups. And store every picture with one more field of group which i ll use as an index. Then I when i ll add new picture my algorithms will compute its descriptors and with k-means find its group. I ll take all pictures of this group and compare their descriptors with the descriptors of a new one like how i did in the screen above
12 replies