Created by Cyrus on 8/19/2024 in #questions-issues
Force solara to use https in redirect uris
Using Chrome's Dev Tools, I observed the following network requests after clicking the login button in my application: Initial Login Request: This request looks correct as it uses https. Authorization Request to Okta: The issue here is that the redirect_uri parameter is using http instead of https. Is there a way to force a solara application to use https scheme/protocol for redirect URIs (for auth). I tried setting SOLARA_SESSION_HTTPS_ONLY=True and SOLARA_BASE_URL= but I still see http. Maybe I could mount my solara app to a Starlette app with an added HTTPSRedirectMiddleware middleware?
37 replies
Created by Cyrus on 8/8/2024 in #questions-issues
Redirect URI error when testing login in solara app
Hi, I am trying to test an auth example in solara via okta. I have configured my app in okta following the solara docs and I am trying to test (locally) a simple login button. The relevant part of the snippet is

import solara
from solara_enterprise import auth

def Page():


if not auth.user.value:
with solara.Tooltip('Login'):
solara.Button(icon_name="mdi-login", href=auth.get_login_url(), icon=True)

import solara
from solara_enterprise import auth

def Page():


if not auth.user.value:
with solara.Tooltip('Login'):
solara.Button(icon_name="mdi-login", href=auth.get_login_url(), icon=True)
I see the login button appear in my app but when I click on it a get a invalid_request error in the browser saying that the redirect_uri parameter in the request did not match any of the Login redirect URIs configured in the client application settings. If I print the output of get_login_url I get /_solara/auth/login?redirect_uri=http%3A//localhost%3A8080 which is missing the main base url (what sets that value?)? Am I missing something in the configuration? I am setting these in my .env
and in okta I have set application login url as: http://localhost:8080/_solara/auth/login and allowed callback urls as: authorize: http://localhost:8080/_solara/auth/authorize logout: http://localhost:8080/_solara/auth/logout is this correct?
13 replies
Created by Cyrus on 4/23/2024 in #questions-issues
ipyaggrid memory leak
Hi, I have an app that uses a few sizeable ipyaggrid grids (one per tab) that are leading to memory leaks (when I replace them with solara.Dataframe's for example, then there is no leak). I am using a AgGrid component with a cleanup function, along the lines below, and it seems to be improving things but wanted to know if there is a better approach, on either python and JS side (using js_post_grid) ?
import ipyaggrid
import as px
import solara

df = solara.reactive(
species = solara.reactive('setosa')

def AgGrid(grid_data, grid_options, **kwargs):

def update_data():
widget = solara.get_widget(el)
widget.grid_options = grid_options

def cleanup():
widget.children = () # does this help?
widget.layout.close() # does this help?
widget.update_grid_data([]) # leads to flickering when cross-filtering grid data
# widget.close() # leads to widget permanently disappearing after cross-filtering grid data once
# gc.collect() # would forcing garbage collection help?

return cleanup

el = ipyaggrid.Grid.element(

solara.use_effect(update_data, [grid_data, grid_options])

def Page():

grid_options = {
'columnDefs': [
{'headerName': 'Species', 'field': 'species', 'enableRowGroup': True},
{'headerName': 'Sepal Length', 'field': 'sepal_length'},

df_filtered = df.value.query(f'species == {species.value!r}')
solara.Select('Species', value=species, values=['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'])

AgGrid(grid_data=df_filtered, grid_options=grid_options)

import ipyaggrid
import as px
import solara

df = solara.reactive(
species = solara.reactive('setosa')

def AgGrid(grid_data, grid_options, **kwargs):

def update_data():
widget = solara.get_widget(el)
widget.grid_options = grid_options

def cleanup():
widget.children = () # does this help?
widget.layout.close() # does this help?
widget.update_grid_data([]) # leads to flickering when cross-filtering grid data
# widget.close() # leads to widget permanently disappearing after cross-filtering grid data once
# gc.collect() # would forcing garbage collection help?

return cleanup

el = ipyaggrid.Grid.element(

solara.use_effect(update_data, [grid_data, grid_options])

def Page():

grid_options = {
'columnDefs': [
{'headerName': 'Species', 'field': 'species', 'enableRowGroup': True},
{'headerName': 'Sepal Length', 'field': 'sepal_length'},

df_filtered = df.value.query(f'species == {species.value!r}')
solara.Select('Species', value=species, values=['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'])

AgGrid(grid_data=df_filtered, grid_options=grid_options)

8 replies
Created by Cyrus on 4/12/2024 in #questions-issues
Setting height of `ipyaggrid` in Solara app gives error
Hi, how can I set the height of a ipyaggrid that is being cross-filtered by a solara component? I am using @MaartenBreddels 's snippet here However, if I pass an integer height to the grid element like this ipyaggrid.Grid.element(..., height=500) it renders fine but then leads to this error: trait of a Grid instance expected a unicode string, not the int 500, whenever the data is filtered. Could it be a bug in ipyaggrid where the widget expects height to be an int but the trait is defined as unicode, leading to data type issues? I found a workaround but wonder if I am missing something or if there is a better approach. Thanks!
from typing import cast
import ipyaggrid
import as px
import solara

df = solara.reactive(
species = solara.reactive('setosa')

def AgGrid(df, grid_options):

height = solara.use_reactive(500) # set as int

def update_df():
widget = cast(ipyaggrid.Grid, solara.get_widget(el))
widget.grid_options = grid_options

# workaround where we recast height
if isinstance(widget.height, int):

el = ipyaggrid.Grid.element(grid_data=df, grid_options=grid_options, height=height.value)
solara.use_effect(update_df, [df, grid_options])

return el

def Page():
grid_options = {
'columnDefs': [
{'headerName': 'Sepal Length', 'field': 'sepal_length'},
{'headerName': 'Species', 'field': 'species'},
df_filtered = df.value.query(f'species == {species.value!r}')
solara.Select('Species', value=species, values=['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'])
AgGrid(df=df_filtered, grid_options=grid_options)
from typing import cast
import ipyaggrid
import as px
import solara

df = solara.reactive(
species = solara.reactive('setosa')

def AgGrid(df, grid_options):

height = solara.use_reactive(500) # set as int

def update_df():
widget = cast(ipyaggrid.Grid, solara.get_widget(el))
widget.grid_options = grid_options

# workaround where we recast height
if isinstance(widget.height, int):

el = ipyaggrid.Grid.element(grid_data=df, grid_options=grid_options, height=height.value)
solara.use_effect(update_df, [df, grid_options])

return el

def Page():
grid_options = {
'columnDefs': [
{'headerName': 'Sepal Length', 'field': 'sepal_length'},
{'headerName': 'Species', 'field': 'species'},
df_filtered = df.value.query(f'species == {species.value!r}')
solara.Select('Species', value=species, values=['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'])
AgGrid(df=df_filtered, grid_options=grid_options)
8 replies
Created by Cyrus on 2/26/2024 in #questions-issues
cross-filtering ipyaggrid element in Solara
Hi, is there a way to cross filter a ipyaggrid element in solara based on other Solara components (Sliders, Select, etc)? I tried creating a custom solara.CrossFilterGrid similar to solara.CrossFilterDataFrame. I could not get it to work but maybe I am missing something. Here is my reproducible example
import ipyaggrid
import as px
import solara

df =
column_defs = [
{'headerName': 'Sepal Length', 'field': 'sepal_length'},
{'headerName': 'Species', 'field': 'species'},
grid_options = {'columnDefs': column_defs}

def CrossFilterGrid(df, grid_options):
dff = df
filter, set_filter = solara.use_cross_filter(id(df), 'grid')
if filter is not None:
dff = df[filter]
return ipyaggrid.Grid.element(grid_data=dff, grid_options=grid_options)

def Page():
with solara.Columns([1,1]):
solara.CrossFilterDataFrame(df) # <--- This works
CrossFilterGrid(df, grid_options) # <--- This does not work
with solara.Column():
solara.CrossFilterSelect(df, 'species')
solara.CrossFilterSlider(df, 'sepal_length', mode='>')
import ipyaggrid
import as px
import solara

df =
column_defs = [
{'headerName': 'Sepal Length', 'field': 'sepal_length'},
{'headerName': 'Species', 'field': 'species'},
grid_options = {'columnDefs': column_defs}

def CrossFilterGrid(df, grid_options):
dff = df
filter, set_filter = solara.use_cross_filter(id(df), 'grid')
if filter is not None:
dff = df[filter]
return ipyaggrid.Grid.element(grid_data=dff, grid_options=grid_options)

def Page():
with solara.Columns([1,1]):
solara.CrossFilterDataFrame(df) # <--- This works
CrossFilterGrid(df, grid_options) # <--- This does not work
with solara.Column():
solara.CrossFilterSelect(df, 'species')
solara.CrossFilterSlider(df, 'sepal_length', mode='>')
I am actually also interested in doing the reverse: have Solara charts react to when I filter my ipyaggrid by clicking on the grid directly (for example, when clicking on checkboxes for each row). This might be harder to do? Thanks!
2 replies