TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by one-coffee-black on 4/6/2024 in #questions
hey guys im currently trying to learn post gres i was wondering if anyone knows any good tutorials or resources online for best practices and structuring in BE using Fastify im currenly trying to set up a dynamic update route and thinking of doing something like this let updateKeys =[] let updateValues=[] Object.entries(updateFields).forEach(([key, value]) => { updateKeys .push(${key} = $${updateValues.length + 1}); updateValues.push(value); }); const query = { text: UPDATE users SET ${updateColumns.join(', ')} WHERE id = $${updateValues.length + 1} , values: [...updateValues, userId], }; const result = await db.query(query); return reply.code(200).send({ message: 'User updated successfully', data: result.rows }) not sure how good it is though , just things like that i want to have a good resource for if anyone knows anything
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