Created by Nico on 3/20/2024 in #✋|help
DNS / SSL issue
Hello I have a DNS related problem when using my 'custom domain'. My app is deployed on Railway, and works on a Railway-generated domain. My domain is on Hostinger, and yesterday I could use the Railway-generated '@' CNAME (Hostinger treats it as ALIAS) and my app would show on the domain root. However, after resetting the DNS on hostinger yesterday to start fresh, today I can't see anything on the domain root (mydomain.tld), even after configuration with the railway details. Railway shows 'setup complete' and a green check, but I notice it takes only a few seconds (as opposed to a longer time yesterday). Also, setting a 'catch all' like *.mydomain.tld I can access any "subdomain" without any problems, with a secure connection over https. Only the domain root remains unaccessible, and I wonder if it is an SSL problem related to a Railway certificate? The browser shows this error on the root: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR The website cannot provide a secure connection What can I do to troubleshoot this issue? Many thanks in advance for your help
17 replies
Created by Nico on 10/15/2023 in #✋|help
Build failing
Hello I am trying to deploy a MERN app but the build failed multiple times. I am fairly new to Railway, however when I tested the platform a couple of months ago I was able to deploy another app, very similar in structure to this one (React, Node, Express and Mongo DB) without problems, while this time it is not even building. Service id: ad4153e7-5a67-4029-8ceb-053a56176d47 Thank you in advance for your help // from the build logs ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c yarn run build" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 Error: Docker build failed
92 replies