Created by kazuph(かずふ)🍙 on 12/4/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Has anyone experienced issues with serverless /run callbacks since December?
That also happens with instances that show "Medium" or "High" availability. Is a general issue with Runpod.
88 replies
Created by kazuph(かずふ)🍙 on 12/4/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Has anyone experienced issues with serverless /run callbacks since December?
Its been happening since last week. Is I try to hit the button on the webui at the same time with triggering the script, it doesn't work with the runpod python package but it works with the Web UI.
88 replies
Created by kazuph(かずふ)🍙 on 12/4/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Has anyone experienced issues with serverless /run callbacks since December?
I am having issues right now... Cannot create pods through the python package despite having GPUs available. Keep getting the "There are no longer any instances available with the requested specifications. Please refresh and try again" but if I try to create it with exactly the same settings from the Web UI it all works out...
88 replies