Andrew Salisbury
Andrew Salisbury
Created by Andrew Salisbury on 3/17/2024 in #💻┃support
Secret landing page
I've managed to arrive at the secret landing page, which appears to be related to our custom domain (based on the URL - it's the root location of our custom domain). The page contains the following text:
You've found our secret landing page. There is nothing to see here yet. Soon it will be an awesome home page.
I arrived there by providing incorrect credentials five times and getting the 5-minute lockout window - I was just doing some testing to see how it would behave and I was a bit surprised to end up here. Is there something we're doing wrong? It appears this flow is entirely provided by Kinde so not sure what I can modify to redirect the user to a different location after five failing login attempts. Thanks for any help you can provide!
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