Created by Mary Cooper on 3/10/2024 in #help
✅ Beginner help
Since you stipulated it should loop, you can also use continue; in future to skip the current loop & move onto the next
30 replies
Created by Sernik on 10/17/2022 in #help
Deserialize JSON to dynamic object without Newtonsoft.Json
I dont recommend it. Like, I seriously dont recommend it
40 replies
Created by Sernik on 10/17/2022 in #help
Deserialize JSON to dynamic object without Newtonsoft.Json
you dont need to, you can deserialize to an object (and probably to a dynamic) and use .GetProperty
40 replies
Created by Zenternion on 10/16/2022 in #help
Add MonoBehaviour to object through script UNITY
you should be able to Inherit from a class that inherits from Monobehaviour I dont know if thats what you're looking for
8 replies
Created by Zenternion on 10/16/2022 in #help
Add MonoBehaviour to object through script UNITY
I can think of zero reasons to do this. what are doing that you need this?
8 replies