trying to plan validating azure ad token and calling graph api in azure function
external service calls azf using client crendential . azf need to assign the user a role called 'write'. That write is from the manifest of the first app registration.
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trying to plan validating azure ad token and calling graph api in azure function
cuz it's an external service called azf. I believe I can validate this from azf and focus on the business logic. Can I ask you another question?
Now that everything is fine and got into the function.
What I need to do is I have two app reggistrations. One app registration has appRoles assigned in the manifest. In the another app registration, I need add that allRoles called "write" to the user itself. I kind of get the idea abut I am not sure cuz it's hard to find sample code.
I might first get client secret for second app registration to and call graph api using client credential flow, then assign the role (not sure how can I can assign roles). Do I need to get the role separately from the first app registration?
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