CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Jerry on 12/28/2023 in #pages-help
How can I connect kv in my local env?
I added kv into the context.env and added kv binding on Cloudflare worker, it works on cloudflare worker now. But the local env is using wrangler and when I configured kv_namespaces in wrangler.toml, --kv in wrangler run command and tried to get value from kv, it threw an error: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get')'. How do I get kv to run properly locally? The following are all my code about kv package.json: "scripts": { "build": "prisma generate --data-proxy && remix build", "dev:remix": "remix watch", "dev:wrangler": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development yarn run wrangler:dev", "dev": "npm-run-all build --parallel "dev:"", "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production yarn run wrangler:dev", "wrangler:dev": "wrangler pages dev ./public --kv=local_kv", "typecheck": "tsc", "format": "prettier --write ." }, wrangler.toml: kv_namespaces = [ { binding = "local_kv", id = "", preview_id = "*" } ] remix.env.d.ts: export type Environment = { ENVIRONMENT: string; KV: KVNamespace; }; export type SpendrEventContext = EventContext<Environment, any, any>; export type SpendrEventContextWithAuth = { auth: any; db: PrismaClient; } & SpendrEventContext; export type LoaderArgs = DataFunctionArgs & { context: SpendrEventContextWithAuth; }; export type ActionArgs = DataFunctionArgs & { context: SpendrEventContextWithAuth; }; routes loader function: export async function loader({ request, context }: LoaderArgs) { const value = await context.env.KV.get('test') return json({ test: value }) }
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