Created by KweensBlade | fracture hater #13 on 1/14/2025 in #community-help
Can you use Amazon gift cards to purchase VP?
Can't you use the amazon to buy a visa giftcard and then use that?
39 replies
Created by KweensBlade | fracture hater #13 on 1/14/2025 in #community-help
Can you use Amazon gift cards to purchase VP?
Since when was this a thing now? That's sad honestly
39 replies
Created by KweensBlade | fracture hater #13 on 1/14/2025 in #community-help
Can you use Amazon gift cards to purchase VP?
There is no limit as far as I know
39 replies
Created by Ayan on 1/14/2025 in #community-help
how did you downloded valofrom riot clientwhen i closed my laptop its downloading from 9%instead
Sometimes it doesn't update but it's still downloading in the background, just let it finish
14 replies
Created by KweensBlade | fracture hater #13 on 1/14/2025 in #community-help
Can you use Amazon gift cards to purchase VP?
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
Well you're going to need a way to prove the account is yours when they contact you
39 replies
Created by Detective1 on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
comp match voided
Happened to me but it came after 5 mins
4 replies
Created by Detective1 on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
comp match voided
Still loading probably
4 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
If there's a response you always (not sure) receive an email copy
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
You get a response in your email regardless if you're signed in or not
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
Generally they are fast to respond so give them some hours and you should see something in your dms
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
In this situation no matter what anyone says, only player support can help
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
Oh well you need a level for that then
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
I think this helps
39 replies
Created by MRFootman on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
PLEASE HElp my riot account got hacked
Contact player support and they'll help you
39 replies
Created by রাহুল on 6/2/2024 in #community-help
van 1067
Best to talk to a tech support
106 replies
Created by adamthefringpan_YT on 6/2/2024 in #community-help
I got a ban for 1 week because of VANGUARD shutting down my whole game and also a power outrage
Consider taking a break and explore other games, I recommend Rise of kingdoms. Good way to kill time
8 replies
Created by adamthefringpan_YT on 6/2/2024 in #community-help
I got a ban for 1 week because of VANGUARD shutting down my whole game and also a power outrage
Man, as you grow up you'll realise that there are better things than valorant. Yes it's fun to play but you shouldn't say those stuff over a game. The game is meant to help you kill time and a form of entertainment, not a form as pain. However if you still feel this way feel free to reach and talk to an adult about how you're feeling.
8 replies
Created by রাহুল on 6/2/2024 in #community-help
van 1067
Error 1067 is due to issues with your TPM or something to do with secure boot
106 replies