Created by DollarsSmellGood on 5/15/2024 in #community-help
I am hardstuck iron what do I do
I was stuck in iron for a whole month but that was expected i am new to fps or video games in general so i was getting used to the feel of valorant. Then i reached bronze 1 and not even a day of bronze 1, i was on my b2 rank up game. but here is whr everything went wrong i started to loose matches and now out of my last 30 games i won 2 only. i am iron 2 at 50rr i dont derserve this rank how do i go back to bronze. i am much better than my teamamates (not in a ego way).
15 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 4/20/2024 in #community-help
How do I get out of bronze
I just got into bronze 1 a day ago and im already at 76 rr. I want to get silver asap how do i do that??
3 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 4/18/2024 in #community-help
Can someone please check if im handling my economy right
I am iron almost bronze and i just want to know if my economy management is right please check my tracker and my matches and dm me or tell me here any suggestions Username: NoHaxJustAim#Paint
3 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 3/25/2024 in #community-help
Can somone help me out of iron
NoHaxJustAim#Paint (my id) please help me
9 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 3/18/2024 in #community-help
Free Valorant Points Needed
if you are rich/have a code not working in your region/feeling generous just give me some free valorant codes pls dm me. not a joke i am fr in need of deez codes if you are poor then its fine have a good day
17 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 2/28/2024 in #crosshairs
Anyone can coach me for free?
I am new to FPS games (this is my first). I am level 22, unranked. Just looking for anyone that can coach me for free, explain me the mechanics and game sense and all that stuff. Looking for someone that can also analyze my gameplay and give me tips. Anyone interested?
42 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 2/25/2024 in #community-help
How to get free skins in valorant, do I need to install some mining software like salad or is there another way
52 replies
Created by DollarsSmellGood on 2/25/2024 in #crosshairs
New Crosshair Required
So I have been trying multiple crosshairs and I still suck. Can anyone help me find the ONE, the crosshair I need for good aim. I used a dot but I can't see it very well and if it is like a cross I don't feel comfortable using it.
29 replies