Explore posts from serversWhat should I specify to pass a "char *" in Deno.dlopen?
[Object: null prototype] {}
I looked at it and decided it wasn't the right response, but when I correctly parsed the results, it worked.
I mistakenly thought that an empty object was being returned.
28 replies
What should I specify to pass a "char *" in Deno.dlopen?
[Object: null prototype] {}
The console displays the above results
I thought there was a problem with the dll, but I suspect there is a problem with my code because I called it from Python and it successfully asked for a response
28 replies
What should I specify to pass a "char *" in Deno.dlopen?
Using buffer gets a funny response.
[Object: null prototype] {}
So pointer is probably the correct answer.
Learn about the pointer.
Given pointer, it asks for Deno.PointerValue as its argument, so it tries to find a way to convert the string to Deno.PointerValue.
Thank you!
28 replies
What should I specify to pass a "char *" in Deno.dlopen?
https://deno.land/[email protected]/runtime/ffi_api#supported-types
I looked here but couldn't find the appropriate type
Not familiar with native code
28 replies