WBWeb Bae
Created by raj_badgewar on 12/4/2023 in #❓︱questions
Integrate Meta Conversion API to Webflow Site
I want to integrate META Conversion API in webflow site to track custom conversion events, but implementing the Conversion API on a Webflow website involves a server-side setup that sends events to Facebook's servers directly. Given that Webflow is a website builder and doesn't have direct server-side capabilities, how can I setup custom events tracking and implement conversion API. Is there any other way around @Web Bae , @everyone ?
1 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by raj_badgewar on 11/15/2023 in #❓︱questions
Accordion with Auto-close & first accordion open by default
I am trying to build an accordion where the first one is open by default on load and then on clicking on any other accordions to open the one which is opened will be auto-closed. I tried custom build with divs but still missing the auto-close functionality and when I made this using dropdown I got the autoclose functionality but can't keep the first one open using custom code or page load trigger as it affects the autoclose. So if someone knows a way around to make it all work or has a cloneable would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. @Web Bae Please can I get your guidance on this?
6 replies