Created by Barrow on 4/24/2024 in #help
Wpf Game Launcher
Hi guys! I'm fairly new to C# coding yet i decided to try and give it a crack. I have been trying to create a Game Launcher for our private game me and some buddies play. I have gotten multiple function to work, such as a Play Button that launches the games .exe, removing the cache as Play is clicked. Website/Discord/Donate button that opens up an Url. But now comes the tricky part... We push out our game updates via Patch files that get stored inside the Data folder of the game. I need to somehow/someway be able to make the Game Launcher check if you have the most recent and updated patches, if not it will download and replace the patches in your Datafolder. I have been cracking my head for a few hours now trying to come up with a way on how to do this, but i'm not skilled enough to accomplish that. Is there anyone that has done this before or can give me pointer on how i should approach it? Best Regards, and sorry if i'm asking an absolute rookie question.
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