CDCloudflare Developers
Created by jimmyhurr on 3/11/2024 in #pages-help
Cloudflare Pages, 503 errors in the dashboard
Anyone else having issues accessing the "workers-and-pages" dashboard? Currently getting "API Request Failed" 503 errors and builds are not completing...
23 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by jimmyhurr on 1/22/2024 in #pages-help
404 on URLs containing dots without trailing slash
Hello, I have a static website project set up in Pages using Hugo build (it's product documentation). It is working great and i've been very impressed by the power of CF Pages. However, I have one issue that is causing us some problems. I have already posted about this in the Community Forum but nobody has replied. I appreciate that this is perhaps a "niche" requirement, but to me it's a bug that needs fixing. The community forum post is here: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/404-on-urls-containing-dots-without-trailing-slash/599220. To summarise take the following two URLs: - https://doc-6ly.pages.dev/technologies/asp/extensions/com.castsoftware.asp >>> 404 - https://doc-6ly.pages.dev/technologies/asp/extensions/com.castsoftware.asp/ >>> OK When there is a dot in the URL, Cloudflare assumes it's a file (I think) and does not automatically add the trailing slash - which it should do - and instead serves a 404. This behaviour is only occurring in CF Pages - it does not occur on my local build machine, nor in Gitlab Pages where I have also built the repository - here the trailing slash is automatically added. There was apparently a fix applied for this https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-sdk/issues/2779 but I’m still seeing the issue and so i can’t work out whether: - I have a similar but ultimately different issue - or whether the fix has not yet actually been published Can anyone help me please?
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