Created by tansan on 6/30/2024 in #✋|help
Does Redeploy re-pull the npm package?
How can I force it to re-pull an npm package on rebuild?
4 replies
Created by tansan on 12/4/2023 in #✋|help
Are Bitcoin Full Nodes allowed (not miners)?
Nodes function as communication hubs, storing the blockchain, validating transactions, and relaying information. Conversely, miners provide computational power to create new blocks, validate transactions, maintain consensus, and secure the network.
Nodes are mainly used to query for data on the blockchain.
23 replies
Created by tansan on 10/13/2023 in #✋|help
It seems like websockets just stops working?
Hi, I've been running web sockets with two separate libraries and it works for a certain amount of time, but then just stops receiving events after a while. I originally thought this was a lib issue or the provider I am using for data was not sending the event, but the common thread seems to be Railway. Is there some way to confirm this?
58 replies
Created by tansan on 8/22/2023 in #✋|help
Can't connect to Redis
This is the error I am getting. What I have checked so far * Made sure I used the env variables provided by Railway * Exposed the REDISPORT in my dockerfile
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1595:16) {

errno: -111,


syscall: 'connect',

address: '',

port: 6379

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1595:16) {

errno: -111,


syscall: 'connect',

address: '',

port: 6379

62 replies
Created by tansan on 8/16/2023 in #✋|help
Starting my docker container after build
I am not sure exactly what is happening. I am re-using a Dockerfile that I used in render where the last line is CMD ["scripts/start.sh"]. Inside that script, is a line to run my migrations and start the server. However, it doesn't seem to be starting and I don't see the expected logs. I also tried adding this to my toml file, but it didn't seem to make a difference in starting my server. startCommand = "scripts/start.sh" Any suggestions?
45 replies
Created by tansan on 8/16/2023 in #✋|help
Specs and cost for postgres?
I am playing with the service and added a postgres, but I am unclear of its specs and what the pricing for it is. Could anyone point me to some resources to read more on pricing?
57 replies