UBUniversal Blue
Created by Geechan on 4/29/2024 in #πŸ›Ÿbazzite-help
ublue-update process fails with exit code
For the past few days, I've been having errors with the automatic ublue-update service crashing before it can perform any updates. As a result, automatic updates never apply, and I have to manually update my system (which works without issue). Here's a relevant journal log:
4月 27 17:20:14 minato-san systemd[1]: Starting ublue-update.service - Universal Blue Update Oneshot Service...
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: [2024-04-27 17:20:24,514] ublue_update.update_checks.system:INFO | System update available.
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: [2024-04-27 17:20:24,514] ublue_update.update_inhibitors.hardware:INFO | System passed hardware checks
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: [2024-04-27 17:20:24,515] ublue_update.cli:INFO | System passed all update checks
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san sudo[32878]: root : PWD=/ ; USER=geechan ; ENV=DISPLAY=:0 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/notify-send 'System Updater' 'System passed checks, updating ...' '--app-name=Universal Bl>
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: Traceback (most recent call last):
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/bin/ublue-update", line 8, in <module>
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: sys.exit(main())
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: ^^^^^^
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ublue_update/", line 240, in main
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: run_updates(cli_args.system, system_update_available)
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ublue_update/", line 118, in run_updates
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: out =
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 548, in run
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 1953, in _execute_child
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/libexec/'
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san systemd[1]: ublue-update.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san systemd[1]: ublue-update.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san systemd[1]: Failed to start ublue-update.service - Universal Blue Update Oneshot Service.
4月 27 17:20:14 minato-san systemd[1]: Starting ublue-update.service - Universal Blue Update Oneshot Service...
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: [2024-04-27 17:20:24,514] ublue_update.update_checks.system:INFO | System update available.
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: [2024-04-27 17:20:24,514] ublue_update.update_inhibitors.hardware:INFO | System passed hardware checks
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: [2024-04-27 17:20:24,515] ublue_update.cli:INFO | System passed all update checks
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san sudo[32878]: root : PWD=/ ; USER=geechan ; ENV=DISPLAY=:0 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/notify-send 'System Updater' 'System passed checks, updating ...' '--app-name=Universal Bl>
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: Traceback (most recent call last):
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/bin/ublue-update", line 8, in <module>
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: sys.exit(main())
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: ^^^^^^
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ublue_update/", line 240, in main
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: run_updates(cli_args.system, system_update_available)
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ublue_update/", line 118, in run_updates
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: out =
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 548, in run
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 1953, in _execute_child
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san ublue-update[32763]: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/libexec/'
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san systemd[1]: ublue-update.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san systemd[1]: ublue-update.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
4月 27 17:20:24 minato-san systemd[1]: Failed to start ublue-update.service - Universal Blue Update Oneshot Service.
12 replies
UBUniversal Blue
Created by Geechan on 3/7/2024 in #πŸ›Ÿbazzite-help
Gradience fails to apply themes. "OSError Read-only file system"
The Gradience flatpak refuses to apply any themes I give it, whether it's my generated ones or the ones included (such as the Vapor theme). It spits out the following error on trying to apply the theme:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradience/frontend/", line 623, in apply_color_scheme
PresetUtils().apply_preset("gtk4", self.preset)
File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradience/backend/theming/", line 258, in apply_preset
with open(
OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/home/geechan/.var/app/com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience/config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradience/frontend/", line 623, in apply_color_scheme
PresetUtils().apply_preset("gtk4", self.preset)
File "/app/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradience/backend/theming/", line 258, in apply_preset
with open(
OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/home/geechan/.var/app/com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience/config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css'
I have a pretty good guess as to what's going on, but not sure how to resolve it. I believe Gradience is trying to access my home directory, but fails to read the symlink under /home/ where it should be /var/home/. I've run into this same issue with some other apps too, and it always required me to manually specify /var/home/, but Gradience lacks an option to specify the working directory. If there's a proper solution to fix the /home symlink issues (or if it's a different problem entirely), I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!
7 replies
UBUniversal Blue
Created by Geechan on 1/9/2024 in #πŸ›Ÿbazzite-help
Steam Big Picture: "An error has occurred during the update process"
Hey there - I'm currently on the Bazzite GNOME desktop build, and I layered the gamescope-session-plus and gamescope-steam-session packages, and enabled the Bazzite repos in /etc/yum.repos.d/. I can boot into Big Picture mode through gamescope just fine; however, when attempting to progress past the network screen, it comes up with an error: "An error has occurred during the update process", and refuses to progress any further, no matter if I'm on a wired or wireless network. I noticed these error messages in systemctl logs, in case they're helpful. They look to be permission errors:
minato-san gdm-password][26626]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file

minato-san sudo[27344]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tee /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/power1_cap

minato-san sudo[27633]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles

minato-san sudo[27646]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=steamos-update

minato-san sudo[27670]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=steamos-update

minato-san sudo[27703]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=steamos-update check

minato-san sudo[27706]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=jupiter-biosupdate check
minato-san gdm-password][26626]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file

minato-san sudo[27344]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tee /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/power1_cap

minato-san sudo[27633]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles

minato-san sudo[27646]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=steamos-update

minato-san sudo[27670]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=steamos-update

minato-san sudo[27703]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=steamos-update check

minato-san sudo[27706]: geechan : a password is required ; PWD=/var/home/geechan/.local/share/Steam ; USER=root ; COMMAND=jupiter-biosupdate check
In addition, I'm also wondering if it's possible to get the "Return to Gaming Mode" option to work through the logo menu.
16 replies