Explore posts from servers❔ Wrong calculation output
So this is my final code:
The formulas are correct, but there has to be some weird conversion mistake I made because the result which comes for
is completely off.
Anyone an idea where i made a mistake?
Here an example entry and which result should come out:
menge.Text = 50
listenpreis.Text = 4
mindermengenzuschlag.Text = 2.5
rabatt.Text = 0
skonto.Text = 0
transportkosten.Text = 4.95
Calculated values:
listeneinkaufspreis = 202.5
lieferrabatt = 0
lieferskonto = 0
transportkostenBerechnet = 4.95
And the correct final result:
bezugspreis = 207.45
I get the wrong result (750)27 replies