Akama Aka
Explore posts from serversNo secure hashing method?
I got an assignment from school to save plain text passwords as a encrypted password in C#.
I have looked at the following pages:
And I'm rn so fuqing impressed what a piece of shiq language C# is. Is there fr no by default implemented method to securely hash Passwords?
84 replies
Windows Worker Service times out
Hello. Everytime I want to start my Worker Service I get the message that it doesnt reacted in time and I dont know why I get this error. because everytime I run the exe noremally the whole thing works.
144 replies
Incorrect syntax near '@address_id'
Hello, I'm currently working on a School project and I want to insert something into the Database but I get everytime a error that says that a incorrect syntax was given that doesnt really makes any sense for me.
11 replies
Beginners cross platform UI Framework with Rider
Hello, I want to develop a cross platform Chat Software in C# to improve my C# experience for school and the state exam. Now I dont know what UI Framework and Template is good to start into because the Windows Form things are not compatble with Linux etc and yea.
I also use Linux to develop all my projects and yea
I've already tried GTK# but I get the whole time errors if I want to start the program and the documentation is like theres not really one
19 replies
❔ Manifest file for Windows Service & winget Integration
Hello, I have a Windows Service project and want to implement winget versioning but I'm very new in this whole language and in the real programming so I dont really know things like that. Does someone know how I can create a good manifest file with all Settings I need and what is recommended with some instructions for what this is?
Thanks for the help
I use Rider and Visual Studio so prob. a Visual Studio and Rider Version
28 replies