Tony Wang
Application looking in wrong runtimes/{arch}/native directory
these are the packages
14 replies
Application looking in wrong runtimes/{arch}/native directory
Sounds good. It is a nuget package that I am using, that copies to ubuntu-x64. So unfortunatly I do not have control over it. I think there are other linux distros which have slightly different dependencies, which is why they use this approach to not overwrite the libraries when multiple nugets are included in C#. Do you have advice how to handle it? For now I can just copy from ubuntu-x64 to linux-x64 since I dont use any other nugets. But if I did, is there some flags I could use to control which one is overwritten?
14 replies
So I finally got everything working. I just added:
requestResponse.ContentType += ";charset=" + responseWrapper.Encoding?.HeaderName;
But what confuses me is setting requestResponse.ContentEncoding doesnt seem to do anything
20 replies
I am trying to create List that can perform an action whenever I make a change to it.
unfortunately there is no easy way to know whether some arbitrary item changed in an arbitrary way. But you can wrap your elements in a class that tell emit an event when some specific changes happen
10 replies
C# IEnumerable ToArray() Benchmark
In general this would be quite hard, but aren't there cases where this would be easy? Like for some return objects? For simple functions, its quite easy to guarantee that you return an unaliased object and this could be inferred automatically for simple cases like my example.
For cases where you create an object using another method, you would need to know that the other method creates an unaliased object and so on. That wouldn't be cheap to track. But couldn't you manually provide a keyword at compile time just like const functions in c++?
48 replies