CDCloudflare Developers
Created by xpatmatt on 4/24/2024 in #general-help
Can you use rules to stop your site being served by Cloudflare CDNs in certain locations?
I have a client who would like to prevent their website being served from servers located in certain places, which are reasonably popular places to host CDN datacenters. Rather than look for a CDN with a matching network, I was hoping this was possible using CF rules. I get the impression it ought to be from the documentation, but I'm way over my head and really have no idea. Can anyone please tell me whether or not this can be done? And, if possible, how one might do this or where they might learn how. I'm sorry if this is way out of left field or inappropriate. It's my first time here. I'm looking for what I think is a fairly straightforward answer to a simple quesion, but can't find anything anywhere..
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