Created by arandomfellanamedmike on 7/12/2023 in #✋|help
Upload large file via CLI
Hi there, I have two 200mb files that are ignored by git. I want to upload to the railway instance. How do I do that so I can deploy? Thanks
83 replies
Created by arandomfellanamedmike on 5/20/2023 in #✋|help
No space on device error - no change since last deploy
Hi there -- Just redeployed my app with no major changes (new packages, etc). I'm getting a "no space left on device" error during the build. I figured it was some free tier issue so I upgraded to the developer tier...still no luck. Any way to fix this? Looks like my slug size is only around 30mb, however I am installing wkhtmltopdf in the container, so that might add up? Not sure because it was running fine earlier...just added a few lines of code. Cheers!
5 replies
Created by arandomfellanamedmike on 5/18/2023 in #✋|help
FastAPI - wkhtmltopdf
Hi there - I have a FastAPI server that requires wkhtmltopdf to run. I added an Aptfile to my repo but it doesn't seem to be getting picked up Railway. Any tips? Thanks!!
57 replies