•Created by ivocalado on 2/10/2025 in #help
Not able to create a helm-based workspace
Hi everyone,
I'm experiencing an issue on installing a helm_release resource during the process of creating the Coder Workspace. I have defined the k8s resources in a helm chart. When I try to use the helm_release resource block (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/helm/latest/docs/resources/release), it successfully creates the k8s resources as well as the helm lock secret but, for some reason, not the release itself (helm list returns empty). Due to that, if I try to stop the workspace, the coder terraform apply fails with (Error: UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress). If, on the other hand, I try to destroy the workspace, everything is destroyed as expected, event the lock secret.
I tried to install the chart manually (through helm install) and it works (the helm release is created).
Do you happen to know a proper approach to debug such issue?
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