Created by Stavros on 1/16/2025 in #🙋🏼・help
Example post
Below you can find an example of a correct help post: Hello, I am having an issue while trying to install X app. I go to the app click install and while Runtipi shows it as running it really isn't because I get connection refused when trying to access it. My OS is Debian 12 and my hardware consists of a Proxmox virtual CPU, 8 GB of ram and 32 GB of storage. In order to reproduce follow these steps: 1. Open the dashboard 2. Go to the appstore 3. Find X app 4. Install it 5. Runtipi will show it is running 6. Try to access the app. I have attached the output of the ./runtipi-cli debug command as well as my logs/app.log file (the logs/error.log was empty). I have also attached the output of the chrome developer tools and the logs of the app from the logs tab.
1 replies
Created by Stavros on 8/29/2023 in #🙋🏼・help
PiHole not working.
Hello, after I updated tipi to version 1.6.0 it can't be installed, while in 1.5.2 it worked fine. My form settings are these
Password: SomePassword
Password: SomePassword
(I have also tried the server ip but it didn't work). Here are the logs from error.log:
2023-08-29T10:53:10.866Z > Failed to install app pihole: Command failed: docker compose --env-file /home/steve/Templates/runtipi/app-data/pihole/app.env --project-name pihole -f /home/steve/Templates/runtipi/apps/pihole/docker-compose.yml -f /home/steve/Templates/runtipi/repos/7a92c8307e0a8074763c80be1fcfa4f87da6641daea9211aea6743b0116aba3b/apps/docker-compose.common.yml up -d
Container pihole Recreate
Container pihole Recreated
Container pihole Starting
Error response from daemon: user specified IP address is supported only when connecting to networks with user configured subnets

2023-08-29T10:53:10.869Z > server error: Failed to install app pihole, see logs for more details
2023-08-29T10:53:10.866Z > Failed to install app pihole: Command failed: docker compose --env-file /home/steve/Templates/runtipi/app-data/pihole/app.env --project-name pihole -f /home/steve/Templates/runtipi/apps/pihole/docker-compose.yml -f /home/steve/Templates/runtipi/repos/7a92c8307e0a8074763c80be1fcfa4f87da6641daea9211aea6743b0116aba3b/apps/docker-compose.common.yml up -d
Container pihole Recreate
Container pihole Recreated
Container pihole Starting
Error response from daemon: user specified IP address is supported only when connecting to networks with user configured subnets

2023-08-29T10:53:10.869Z > server error: Failed to install app pihole, see logs for more details
24 replies