CDCloudflare Developers
Created by mb0x88 on 2/14/2024 in #general-help
Cloudflare cookie blocked by cross site trackers
I have a wordpress site behind CF access + and R2 bucket serving images and media also behind CF access, each on separate subdomains. When I first load the site the images don't load, because the image url is being redirected to auth with cloudflare access, it is not sharing the auth cookie I believe because it is on a different subdomain. If i load the image url in a separate tab, the image loads and I believe stores the cookie for that domain(Same CF_Authorization cookie as wordpress subdomain), then the images load on the main wordpress site no problem(I'm assuming because it has the cookie stored under both subdomains now) Is there a way around this without asking users to disable cross site tracking in safari and brave(shields)? I have tried adding CORS allow rules for the R2 bucket to no avail.
4 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by mb0x88 on 9/5/2023 in #pages-help
Tagging causes error on wrangler - API token not available
No description
7 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by mb0x88 on 7/18/2023 in #pages-help
Deploy to pages specifying production or preview from a gitlab CI/CD pipeline
We have a CI/CD pipeline that publishes our repo to cloudflare pages from a private gitlab, however I want to be able to select preview or production using gitlab, not the default system where it uses preview builds for extra branches until you merge into main. How do i achieve this? Is there a way to pass an environment variable from gitlab to cloudflare pages to specify which environment to publish to preview or production?
9 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by mb0x88 on 7/5/2023 in #pages-help
Publishing issues using CI on private gitlab
I have successfully connected my private gitlab to cf pages using CI/CD, When I commit to my repo it pushed the changes to cf pages. But the pages site is showing an empty html page of my gitlab? Not the actual files or site I have made The cloudlfare pages site in cf dashbaord shows the correct files, but the actual page is showing a totally different page https://drive.proton.me/urls/HQ29MW3RW0#OPC3ObDFAEph >> random gitlab html page it is serving?? https://drive.proton.me/urls/JHYTSGHCER#w6ZFLtS3UmFL >> actual files in my repor and on cf pages The only command that works in my .gitlab-ci.yml file is: $ wrangler pages publish public --project-name "test-app" --branch "main" Using this I get an error: $ wrangler pages deploy public --project-name "test-app" --branch "main" ✘ [ERROR] Unknown arguments: project-name, projectName, branch, deploy, public Why doesn't the deploy command work? This is the whole gitlab file: deploy_cfpages: image: ellimistgh/wrangler:latest stage: deploy script: - rm -rf README.md .git* - rm -rf public/.gitkeep - pwd - ls -la - wrangler pages publish public --project-name "test-app" --branch "main" when: manual
9 replies