Created by _wardh on 12/24/2022 in #help
❔ Html.Agility Pack selecting all div nodes by class (more then one)?
Hi, I have and html document and there are multiple div classes in there (embedded like a treeview) How can I use the Agility pack to select all divs that have a particuar class. e.g
<div class="aaa bbb ccc">...</div> To find all the divs like above. Thanks Ward.
2 replies
Created by _wardh on 12/24/2022 in #help
Html.Agility Pack selecting all div nodes by id (more then one)?
Hi, I have and html document and there are multiple div tags in there (embedded like a treeview) As the titles suggests how can I select all nodes that match a specific ID. Looking for a simple example + how to then iterate through all of them. Thanks Ward.
5 replies