Created by LVKVLVS on 7/29/2024 in #✋|help
Import code from parent directory
Thanks @Brody, that makes sense. I've removed the root path and as a result Python is not detected as a provider (as expected). I've added providers explicitly in railway.json file. I've also added custom build command since requirements.txt is going to be nested in the child directory. This is how my railway.json looks like: { "$schema": "", "build": { "builder": "NIXPACKS", "buildCommand": "pip install -r job_queue/requirements.txt", "nixpacksPlan": { "providers": ["python"] } }, "deploy": { "startCommand": "celery -A worker --loglevel=INFO", "restartPolicyType": "ON_FAILURE", "restartPolicyMaxRetries": 3 } } However build still fails due to: 0.291 /bin/bash: line 1: pip: command not found Could you help me out with this one as well? should I move this to nixpacks.toml file? if so which field would be required there to be added?
5 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
No description
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
Thank you @Brody I should be able to deal with the rest, thanks to your insight!
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
Ok, there's a small option to specify it, thank you! I'm an idiot
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
which sub section would it be? I could provide screenshot
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
or I'm an idiot and missing something very obvious
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
the only input fields where I can specify any kind of path in my service settings is Healthcheck path and Watch paths
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
I'm using Flowise embedded tag to embed in a plain react project built with vite
17 replies
Created by LVKVLVS on 2/25/2024 in #✋|help
Can't deploy monorepo, can't change root path
project-id: 259d1b72-3a1f-4f53-b7d3-1be3161c1e4a
17 replies