Question on vite build with node server
I would highly recommend some of Scott's tutorials. Ive gone through some of his other courses and they were pretty good, and it looks like his entire video library is free now, it used to require a subscription.
I know he really likes svelte and the levelup website itself is written in svelte.
55 replies
Question on vite build with node server
I think its just a time vs. reward balancing on my side. Remix works well for most of the project I do, and I've been doing some shopify app development which is all based on remix now, so learning another meta framework is low on my priority list currently unless I have a specific use case.
55 replies
Question on vite build with node server
I had just a single .env file. The dev script worked fine, but whenever I built the app nothing was showing on either
or the vite specific import.meta.env
These were the scripts (this was also in a turbo/monorepo if that makes a difference):
55 replies
Question on vite build with node server
So mini update. I refactored the app to use wrangler + cloudflare and I can inject the wrangler.toml vars onto the context on both dev + deployed server no problem. Still unsure why I can't add environment vars to vite build and think I'm just going to skip the node server for now.
55 replies
tRPC in Next without api rotes
When next builds you still get a client and server so there has to be a way to talk between the two over the web. Regardless of which solution you go with you will need to use API routes or some other method to reach the server so this isn't just a problem with tRPC.
You are probably best of creating some type of api key / middleware which will reject unauthenticated requests.
3 replies